I hear it often—christians claim “the bible says that believers changed from assembling on the seventh day of the week to the first day of the week . . . because of the resurrection.”

When one understands the Father’s traditions (which include the Sabbaths, wedding traditions, and temple ordinances and practices), it is obvious that such a statement is wholly illogical. But, beyond that, the statement is also blatantly false. The believers never changed anything about the day they assembled each week. Moreover, neither is there a single verse in the whole of scripture that states the Father ever changed His ordained days.

What most often happens with christianese teachings is that a single passage of scripture gets lifted out of its context, and then it is used to try to prove something, when the entire context doesn’t even suggest it, and sometimes, the context says the exact opposite of the false teaching.

Apart from the passages that recount the resurrection itself (which actually occurred during the night, not in the morning), there are but two places in the entire New Testament that even mention the first day of the week, and neither has anything to do with the weekly assembling of believers.

The first is Acts 20, and it mentions an evening, right after the Sabbath had passed at sundown (remember, at sundown at the end of the weekly Sabbath, it became the first day of the week), that believers had gotten together for a meal with Paul, because he was leaving them in the morning to walk 24 miles to get on a ship. They ate, and then Paul took an opportunity to teach them spiritually before he left. It was not the weekly assembling of believers. It was a singular event, and seen in its context, it is clear that it had nothing to do with the weekly Sabbath, but was simply the night before Paul was leaving, so they all got together.

Paul taught the truths of the Holy Spirit every day, and what is shown in Acts 20 was just one of those days.

The other passage is 1 Corinthians 16, and in that, Paul tells them to set aside, at home, a portion of what they had produced from the first day of their weekly labor, as gifts for the believers in Jerusalem, because they were going through a drought. He told them to appoint representatives who would go around to their homes to pick up those gifts and take them to Jerusalem, and that he might meet up with those representatives to deliver the gifts.

Now, if he were talking about “passing the plate,” as the “church” does, then it would make no sense to state that those representatives would go around and pick up their gifts, for those gifts would have all been in one place. No, he told them that on the FIRST DAY OF THEIR WORK WEEK, they should give of the firstfruits of their labor as an act of charity, which honors Yah.

Being the first day of their work week, it was certainly not what they believed was the Sabbath—for that was the day they rested and gathered for “holy convocation.”

This is just one example of the false beliefs of the counterfeit that have been so drilled into the minds and hearts of those who are in it. Taking something that is stated nowhere in scripture, but believing strongly that it’s actually what scripture teaches, is the work of the evil one, who invented the counterfeit to focus the hearts and minds of people away from the Holy Spirit’s truths by blinding them to the significance of the Father’s traditions.

Oh, and they do the same thing with Romans 14:5-6, which has nothing to do with the weekly Sabbath, but is speaking specifically of days for fasting, not of the weekly assembling of believers.

For more information: Saturday or Sunday? Does It Even Matter?

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