I’ve asked it many times, but nobody will answer according to scripture. If the feasts were “ended at the cross” (as so many christians contend), then why was the Feast of Weeks fulfilled 49 days AFTER the resurrection (Acts 2), which was not only after Messiah Yahoshua had risen from the dead, but also after He had ascended back to His Father?
Also, if the feasts were “ended at the cross,” why did Paul observe them, and teach them to the Gentile converts? Why did he say they are “a shadow of things to come,” and not “of things that had come”? He said that AFTER Messiah had gone back to His Father–“things to come”–the feasts reveal the prophetic calendar.
Now, if they weren’t ended, that means they still have relevance in the lives of Yah’s true children. If that’s the case, what does that mean about those who reject them? What does that say about those who, even though they cannot answer the questions above, still claim that the feasts are “only Old Testament,” or that they are only “under the law”?
They are actually family identification—a sign between Yah and His children.
And, here’s a kicker regarding the popular false christian teaching of SUNday (first day) assembling: if any Sabbath still exists and is to be honored/observed/taught, then they ALL do, for they are ALL part of a single system. There is no way to remove any particular Sabbath away from the others. They are a single construct, given by Yah to His children as family identification.
No, they weren’t given to everybody as a sign. No, they weren’t given to christians as a sign. They were given as a sign between Yah and His actual children—those who are led by His Holy Spirit and given His seal as the covenant of marriage to the Bridegroom, Yah’s Perfect Passover Lamb.
For more information: What Are the Old and New Covenants?