The Ten Commandments were the old covenant, which was given to the ancient Israelites, and that event at Mt. Sinai was a physical foreshadow that was revealed as its spiritual real substance 49 days after Messiah’s resurrection, which was the Feast of Weeks. That feast commemorated the giving of the physical covenant, and its fulfillment was the giving of the spiritual covenant to the bride, whom the ancient Israelites foreshadowed (Acts 2).

In John 4:24, Messiah Yahoshua explained to the woman that the ancient Israelites were required to worship at the physical temple because that was where the covenant was—in the Holy of Holies. But, there was coming a day when the real substance of that foreshadow would be revealed—the spiritual covenant (seal of the Holy Spirit) being placed within the bride; and the bride would be able to worship wherever she was, for she IS His temple, the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit.

So, the Ten Commandments being the foreshadow, Yah places within His children His instructions for HOW He desires them to live, by the indwelling of His Spirit, who is the fulfillment of the physical covenant (Hebrews 10:16-18). Yahoshua said that those who worship the Father (meaning His children) must do so in “spirit and in truth.”

As Yah is spirit, to worship Him in spirit applies to how He says He desires His children to live in relation to Him—the FIRST FOUR COMMANDMENTS. And, to worship Him in truth applies to how He desires His children to live in relation to others—the LAST SIX COMMANDMENTS. These represent the Law that is placed within His children—basic instructions for how He desires His children to live in relation to Him and in relation to others. “Love Yah and love others.”

So, how does the “church” do in that regard? The fourth commandment is that His children are to honor His Sabbath (which means the seventh day) as a day of “rest and holy convocation.” How’s the “church” doing with that one? His third commandment is that His children are not to take His name in vain—which actually means not to attach Him to what is false/worthless/idolatrous. Unfortunately for christianity, that is exactly what the pagan christian holydays of christ-mass, easter/ishtar, and SUNday assembling do.

Overall, rejecting His instructions in commandments 3 and 4 precludes the possibility that the “church” is even remotely obeying the first commandment, for rejecting His days certainly cannot be defined as loving Him in any sense of the word, especially in light of the pagan counterfeits christianity replaced His days with. Talk about a double slap in His face!

But, in the end, it’s likely a moot point anyway, because the covenant only applies to His Son’s bride. Those who are not indwelt by the covenant are not Messiah’s bride, and are not Yah’s children, so these things don’t even apply to them anyway. Those who teach the Ten Commandments—or any part of the law—as a way for people to please Yah, apart from His covenant indwelling them, are teaching a false salvation from another gospel.

So, the church’s rejection of the family identification the Father has given as a sign between Him and His children (His Sabbaths) is merely symptomatic of its being a counterfeit of the true faith. Those who reject the things of the Father essentially reject Him, and those who reject Him reject His Son. It’s a vicious cycle the “church” promulgates with its rejection of the Father’s traditions.

For more information: What Are the Old and New Covenants?

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