The Holy Spirit will never teach one person something, and then teach someone else something that contradicts that. When there is disagreement over doctrinal matters, either one side is right and the other is wrong, or they’re both wrong.

The Holy Spirit’s truths will always align perfectly with all of scripture (in its original languages and contexts) and with all the Father’s traditions.

The Holy Spirit will never lead anyone to do what scripture tells us not to do, nor will the Holy Spirit lead anyone not to do what scripture tells us we are to do.

If the scriptures say I am to do something, I don’t need to wait for the Holy Spirit to tell me to do it (He inspired the scriptures).

If the scriptures say I am NOT to do something, I don’t need to wait for the Holy Spirit to tell me not to do it (He inspired the scriptures).

If I do either of those things, I am not trusting the Holy Spirit, I’m just trying to find a way around Him.

So often, those who are lost in the false teachings of christianity will claim something is of the Holy Spirit when it is nothing more than their own feelings, which scripture often refers to as “the heart.” Jeremiah 17:9 sheds some light on trusting one’s heart (feelings).

Even worse, many claim to be saved for no other reason than their feelings—they falsely contend that they have the Holy Spirit, when they have nothing more than their own emotions about things they’ve read or heard.

The Holy Spirit is not theoretical, nor is He one’s feelings. He is a living being, and is the Word (Hebrew: dabar, Greek: logos) to Messiah’s bride.

The Holy Spirit leads Yah’s children into all truth and tells them of the coming things (John 16:13).

After one has believed in Messiah Yahoshua, and then endures in that belief through a time of testing (confessing Messiah Yahoshua to all those around him without shrinking back), the Holy Spirit will testify directly to that person that he has been adopted as a child of Yah the Father.

Only those who have received the confirmation from the Holy Spirit are saved (Romans 8:16, 1 Corinthians 1:6-8).

The Holy Spirit is as real and alive as you and I are. Seek genuinely to know His truths, and He will show them to you (Jeremiah 33:3). Continue living as though He is just a theory, and you will never know His truths (until it’s too late).

For those who are Yah’s children, “Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of Yah, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption” (Ephesians 4:30). If we grieve the Holy Spirit, our worship of the Father and our prayers are inhibited.

The Holy Spirit desires to bless Yah’s children abundantly, and we cut that off when we grieve Him. I pray that you will choose to live in such a way that He can bless you beyond what you ever thought possible!

For more information: How Do You Know You Are Saved?

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