The Sabbaths (plural) and the Holy Spirit.

Now, when I say “most christians,” understand that, from my experience, it is the position of most christians that the ordained feast days (Sabbaths) are something that don’t apply to them (they’re actually correct in that, but not for the reasons they think—it’s not that the Sabbaths have been abolished, but that Yah gives them only to His children, not to those who aren’t His).

So, the responses from most christians concerning the feasts range anywhere from ambivalence caused by ignorance, to outright anger and accusations that those who share the Spirit’s truths about the feasts are guilty of preaching “another gospel.”

But, let’s take a look at two different verses, and see if you can draw the proper correlation between them:

But, when He, the Spirit of truth is come, He will guide you into all the truth: for He will not speak from Himself; but whatever He shall hear, that will He speak: and He will show you THINGS TO COME. John 16:13

Therefore let no one act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day [those three things are specifically about the Sabbaths—both weekly and feast days], which are a shadow OF THINGS TO COME; but the body [the spiritual real substance foreshadowed by the Sabbaths] is of Christ. Colossians 2:16-17

I tried to make the correlation simple to see with uppercase letters. Messiah Yahoshua said that the Holy Spirit will tell Yah’s true children of the coming things. And, as Paul said, the Sabbaths (weekly and feasts) are a shadow (physical representation) of things to come. So, both the Holy Spirit and the Sabbaths instruct Yah’s children in the things that are to come—the prophetic calendar.

If the Holy Spirit teaches what the Sabbaths teach, and one rejects the Sabbaths as irrelevant in a practical sense, what does that say about one’s knowledge of the Holy Spirit? If the Holy Spirit and the Sabbaths both teach about the events that are coming, and one dismisses the feasts, how can it be understood that such a person actually possesses the Spirit of truth? If the feasts teach what the Holy Spirit teaches, then how could the feasts be irrelevant, or abolished, or just “old testament.”

Thus, rejection of the feasts as the vital truths they are simply shows someone who is NOT led by the Holy Spirit. And, imagine that—christianity rejects the feasts outright, and peddles false pagan celebrations that have nothing to do with truth (christ-mass, easter/ishtar, SUNday assembling).

Those who are actually taught by the Holy Spirit will see and understand the value of what is taught in the feasts. Those who aren’t will probably keep on decorating trees in their homes, kissing beneath the mistletoe (ho, ho, ho), celebrating an ancient fertility ritual with its bunnies and eggs, and assembling on “the venerable day of the sun.”

It’s actually quite simple to discern the difference between truth and error in this—if truth is what one desires.

For more information: The Feasts After Passover

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