Whenever there is a disagreement about doctrines, either one side is right and the other is wrong, or they are both wrong. If they disagree, both sides cannot be right. The Holy Spirit’s truths are singular—He does NOT give varying versions of His truths to different people. So, either one agrees with the Holy Spirit, or he is in error. There is not a sliver of gray in the black and white of the Spirit’s truths.

The Holy Spirit’s truths will ALWAYS align perfectly with all of scripture (in its original languages and proper contexts) and all of the Father’s traditions. If one does not understand the latter, then he will always lack the discernment to properly interpret the former, as many scriptures require understanding of the traditions, because they are the context around which many scriptures were written.

A common mantra in christianity is “we agree on the important things,” as if any spiritual truth is unimportant. What that usually means is that they agree on matters pertaining to their ideas about salvation, but allow themselves the freedom to disagree over interpretation of many other doctrines. Here’s the biggest problem with that: christianity’s tenets of salvation are largely false to begin with, so it doesn’t matter if there is agreement in that error, for that nullifies all other doctrinal understanding.

Missing the truth in the primary doctrine of justification renders the rest of one’s interpretations wholly useless and futile, for those things are all illuminated by the Holy Spirit’s instruction (the “mystery of Christ”), and not knowing the path to receiving the Holy Spirit in the first place, will mean that the Spirit’s deeper truths will remain unknown (1 Corinthians 2:14), which renders all the teaching and preaching of a person, or a denomination, or a religion, outside of His truth, and therefore, eternally useless—they are the doctrines of devils; and sadly, they are what is commonly preached in pulpits around the world.

There is one way, and one way alone, that a person is redeemed and receives the covenant—and that singular path is painted for us in different ways in scripture and in the Father’s traditions.

Whether it is the progression from the sanctuary’s gate to the Holy of Holies, or the teaching of the Passover, it all shows the same thing: repentance from unbelief (which is to believe), confession of Messiah Yahoshua before people (enduring in belief through the ridicule and mocking, and even relational separation from friends and family), and THEN receiving the covenant.

Christianity usually leaves that last part out, which produces exactly what Messiah described in Luke 8:13—those who believe with all joy for awhile, but who fall away because they lack a root (they never receive the source of life).

That is why 1 John 4:1 is mandated, for once it is determined that someone merely claims to be of Yah, but doesn’t even understand what it means to receive the covenant as the evidence of salvation, then it cannot be thought that such a person will have any spiritual understanding concerning all the other doctrinal truth contained in the one true faith (Ephesians 4:4-6).

Those are the folks who claim that a decision they made saved them, and their bible “confirms” their salvation. They have never actually heard the Holy Spirit, so they have falsely claimed an adoption they’ve never been told happened in the first place. That means they just declared their own salvation, which is not salvation at all. They are the unsaved christians see in Matthew 7:21-23.

Naturally, such a person is going to disagree with the Spirit’s truths until he is actually led by the Spirit. It’s fine if folks want to disagree with me, for in the end, nobody answers to me; but, disagreeing with the Spirit’s truths that I share, and rejecting them will ultimately mean those people will be shown at their judgment that Yah’s truths were shared with them, but they rejected His truths. And, for that, I will not be the judge, I will merely be a witness.

For more information: What Are the Old and New Covenants?

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