The season of Advent refers to the coming of Messiah Yahoshua to the earth to dwell among men. Christianity celebrates an advent season in December, but who actually came to earth during that time of the year? History reveals to us that the winter season of the year, during the time of the solstice, is when the birth of various sun gods has been celebrated. Dies Natalis Solis Invicti (“birth of the unconquered sun”) is historically celebrated on December 25 (and, that’s why christianity chose the date, rather than the true day).

Christianity was invented by stripping away the Father’s traditions and replacing them with pagan counterfeits, and that is why the December 25 date was selected—christianity is essentially a mixture of the traditions of sun worship (SUNday assembling, christ-mass, easter/ishtar, etc.) with its own false interpretations of scripture. Yes, christianity contains some truth, as all religions do, but if error is mixed into a belief system, the entire thing is then corrupt (Ephesians 4:4-6).

So, when SHOULD the season of Advent be celebrated? Well, shouldn’t it be during the time that it actually happened? We can know from scripture (when it is understood properly according to the Father’s traditions that are referenced therein) that Messiah Yahoshua was born on the Feast of Tabernacles (He “tabernacled,” or dwelt, among men). And, the Feast of Tabernacles is the last of the Fall feasts (also called the judgment feasts).

So, celebrating His first coming to earth must be done in the Fall, if one desires to “worship in
TRUTH,” for there is nothing truthful about celebrating a December Advent. Such observances actually have nothing to do with Messiah, as He didn’t come to the earth in the Winter, but in the Fall.

Interestingly, as we look forward to His second Advent, what correlation might there be to His first Advent? Well, we know that His bride is going to be fully removed from the earth on the Feast of Trumpets, and that is the first of the judgment feasts in the Fall.

There are ten days from the Feast of Trumpets to the Feast of Atonement, and there will be ten years from the bride’s final winnowing from the earth (harvest), to Armageddon, which will be on the Feast of Atonement—the second judgment feast in the Fall. And, the fulfillment of that feast will usher in the fulfillment of the next feast on Yah’s calendar, Tabernacles, with Messiah’s 1000-year earthly reign.

So, both the first and second Advents of Messiah are tied to the Fall feasts. Obviously, if one is going to celebrate an Advent season according to truth, as worship of Yah demands (John 4:24), then it MUST be done in the Fall, for that is the time of the year that applies, truthfully.

To falsely claim to celebrate Messiah’s Advent in December is to associate Him with the pagan sun gods, and THAT is what it means to “take His name in vain,” which is to attach Him to what is false, worthless, or idolatrous. In the Hebrew, that commandment had nothing to do with speaking bad words, but with how He is used—to what He is attached—true worship, or false worship. Christ-Mass is false worship, thus a violation of that commandment.

Now, to those who genuinely desire spiritual truth, information like that should strike them in such a way that they would immediately strive to rectify any such false observances, and choose rather to identify with the truths about Messiah.

Sadly, as I’ve seen from christianity over the years, it’s not actually truth that most christians desire, but the traditions of men that their christianity peddles. And, folks wonder why He says, “Depart from Me, I never knew you.” What a sad commentary.

For more information: The December 25th Lie

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