If salvation comes by “accepting Christ into your heart,” then why didn’t His disciples do that while He was here? Of course that is not the way to salvation—it’s just christianese, an emotion-based euphemism for the false “salvation” that christianity teaches, which is directed and controlled by man’s decision, prayer, or works.
Messiah Yahoshua was here, He fulfilled the law of Moses (which applied only to those who were given the physical covenant—the ten commandments, Deuteronomy 5:1-2), and that made way for the New Covenant (a “ketubah,” or marriage covenant—the Holy Spirit’s seal on Messiah bride, who is Y’isra-el, Hebrews 8:10), no longer based on physical race or bloodline, but WHY did He have to go away? Why couldn’t He have just stayed here and been with us throughout the rest of human history?
The answer can be found in the Jewish wedding traditions. Once the bridegroom announced to his betrothed bride (somewhat like our “engagement,” but legally binding—the two were legally married, but were not physically united yet) that he was going to his father’s house to build a dwelling place for them, that began a mandatory separation period. They could not have any direct physical contact. The bride was then veiled whenever she went out in public.
The bridegroom would construct a place for them to live as an addition onto his father’s house, and then, once the father determined that the dwelling place was sufficiently completed, he would tell his son to go and get his bride. The bridegroom would take his best man, and, usually during the night, would go to the bride’s home. The best man would go and get her and bring her out to the bridegroom.
They would then go back to the father’s house, there would be a wedding ceremony, and then the two would retire to the wedding chamber (“chuppah”), where the marriage would be consummated. The best man would stand outside the wedding chamber waiting to hear the bridegroom’s voice calling to him to let him know that the marriage had been consummated (John 3:29).
The best man would then go and tell the rest of the wedding party—the friends of the bridegroom (OT saints) and friends of the bride (tribulation saints)—that the marriage had been consummated, and they would then begin the preparation (millennial reign on earth = one day in heaven) for the wedding feast. While the bridegroom would emerge from the wedding chamber, the bride would remain in it, and would not be revealed until the beginning of the wedding feast (Rev. 21:2).
So, when folks say that someone called “jesus” came to them and told them they are saved, you can know that such a person is either lying, or has been deceived by demons. Messiah has never referred to Himself by the false name “jesus,” as that was invented by men long after He was here—He would only identify Himself by His true name. Moreover, He would never violate the wedding traditions that His Father established, and such direct physical contact would definitely be a violation.
The seal of the Holy Spirit was given as the new covenant of marriage to Messiah’s bride, and it is the Holy Spirit who will tell those who have believed in Messiah Yahoshua, and have confessed Messiah Yahoshua to those around them, that they have received the covenant—that He is indwelling them as the eternal seal of redemption upon them.
And, He does that in the only manner that Satan cannot counterfeit, which is by dreams. Demons have access only to our conscious thoughts (soul), but they cannot access our subconscious (spirit), Genesis 40:8, Job 33:14-17, Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17.
Messiah’s bride will not see Him until the fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets, when those of the bride who are alive and remain on the earth will meet those with the covenant (Holy Spirit) who have already died, and will be gathered together to the Bridegroom in the air, taken to the wedding chamber, and united in marriage to the King of heaven eternally. Messiah’s bride is Y’isra-el (“rules as God”), as she will rule and reign with Him forever.
For more information: For Whom Did Christ Die?