This might seem like a facetious question, but, please examine yourself in light of it. What if the things you have been taught about how salvation is received are false? What if the ways you live out what you believe, in a practical sense, are actually wrong, and have nothing to do with the true Gospel, or how the New Testament believers lived out their faith?

Trust me, I know how solidly and completely the teachings of christianity can be embraced in a person’s life, for I was there . . . for five decades! But then, a wonderful thing happened when I looked into one little matter many years ago to try to win an argument; and lo and behold, I learned something that rocked my entire world (and set me up to be dismissed and avoided by my closest friends—even to this day).

Learning the truth regarding that one little practice was the tiniest of slivers through which the light of the Holy Spirit’s truth peeked through, and started me on a journey He has been leading and guiding me on for well over a decade now.

The more He teaches me, the more astounded I am that I so gullibly believed things that, when scripture is properly understood according to the contexts in which it was written, wholly debunk so many of the most widely believed teachings in christianity.

Why did nobody in the New Testament ever say anything about the weekly Sabbath changing from the seventh day to the first day? It’s because it never happened.

Why did nobody in the New Testament ever celebrate christ-mass or easter/ishtar? It’s because it never happened.

Why did nobody in the New Testament ever teach that the feast days had ended at the cross? It’s because it never happened.

Why did nobody in the New Testament ever call himself a “christian”? It’s because it never happened.

Why did nobody in the New Testament ever preach christianity? It’s because it never happened.

Why did nobody in the New Testament ever say that they were no longer “Old Testament”? It’s because it never happened (when the New Testament speaks of “scripture,” the Old Testament was all they had).

Why did nobody in the New Testament ever teach a salvation that is received simply by making a decision, or praying a prayer? It’s because it never happened.

Why did nobody in the New Testament ever tell anyone that they had to ask forgiveness for their past sins of the flesh to be saved? It’s because it never happened.

Why did nobody in the New Testament ever speak of dunking people in water AFTER they had received the Holy Spirit? It’s because it never happened.

Why did nobody in the New Testament ever talk of erecting a “church” building? It’s because it never happened.

Why did nobody in the New Testament ever speak of “accepting Christ” as the means of salvation? It’s because it never happened.

These things, and more, should cause those in christianity to stop and examine what they believe, and why, and how so many teachings in christianity are outright deceptions and lies about what is actually taught in the scriptures.

So, are you serious enough about eternal life to examine these things and seek the truths of the Holy Spirit? I did, and the Holy Spirit showed me the many differences between the teachings of christianity and His truths.

Because I believed what He showed me, and made my stand for the true Gospel of Messiah Yahoshua, and did not shrink back from my belief or my public stand, the Father chose to give me the covenant, which is the seal of the Holy Spirit, and which makes me a part of Messiah’s bride Y’isra-el. That covenant (“ketubah”) is what was revealed on the first Feast of Weeks following Messiah’s sacrifice (Passover), burial (Unleavened Bread), and resurrection (Firstfruits).

And, as scripture teaches us, the Holy Spirit testified to me exactly who I am in Messiah Yahoshua, and also that the accuser against me has been vanquished. The Holy Spirit has confirmed to me directly, many times, that I will never be harmed by judgment.

He can do the same for you, but you would have to be willing to let go of the false doctrines you have been taught, let go of what most of your family and friends vehemently believe, and let go of placing those relationships above your desire to receive the truth and stand for it with all your might.

In the end, most christians are reviled by the idea that their beliefs are false, and rather than allowing the Holy Spirit to illuminate their hearts and minds to understand His truths, and why so many of the teachings of christianity are false, they will often fight against the Spirit’s truths, and reject them outright—because they believe with all their hearts that what they believe IS the truth.

Take if from someone who believed as strongly as you do about your christianity—it will utterly shock you if you would honestly and openly allow the Holy Spirit to audit your belief system; but, you will have to be willing to let go of what is false once it is shown to you to be false.

Doing so will ultimately alienate you from many people in your life.

But, if you will believe the truths of the Holy Spirit, and stand for those truths, you will receive the covenant—the seal of the Holy Spirit—instead of the false salvation that christianity peddles (you know, the one you declared yourself, and then you falsely assert that scripture somehow states that YOU have been redeemed, which scripture CANNOT do).

By receiving true salvation—the seal of the Holy Spirit and His direct confirmation of that—you will assure that Matthew 7:21-23 is not speaking of YOU!

For more information: Is Salvation Hard to Receive?

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