The eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles signifies a “new beginning.” Messiah was born on the first day of Tabernacles (not on the pagan christ-mass), and on the eighth day, He was circumcised.

Because of Adam’s sin passed down to the world, all people are born in the sinful condition of unbelief, which is the condition of having a dead spirit. The only way for a dead spirit to be made alive is through resurrection by the Holy Spirit. From the Father’s eternal perspective, those who have the Spirit are believers, those who don’t have the Spirit are unbelievers (Romans 8:9, 1 John 5:10). Even those who have believed, but have not yet been given the Holy Spirit, are still seen as unbelievers in the Father’s eyes.

Before someone is given the Holy Spirit after they have believed, their belief (faith) will be tried, or tested. As we see in Hebrews 10:39, those who are saved not only believed, but they didn’t shrink back from their belief, and they believed all the way to the salvation of their souls. They received the end, or goal, of their belief, the salvation of their souls (1 Peter 1:9).

An unbeliever is to repent of his unbelief (which literally means “to believe”), and confess Messiah Yahoshua before others, which is to endure in his belief, regardless of the consequences, and those who do will receive the covenant—the seal of the Holy Spirit. When that person is given the Holy Spirit, scripture says that his heart is circumcised, making him a “true Jew,” as the real substance of being a Jew has nothing to do with anything physical, but is a spiritual condition (Galatians 3:28-29).

Anyone whose heart is circumcised is a true Jew (Romans 2:29), and the true Jews make up the real substance of Y’isra-el. Those who are “in Christ” according to Romans 8:9 are true Jews by virtue of adoption by Yah and by the covenant of marriage (“ketubah”) to Yahoshua. They are the true Y’isra-el, which means “rules as God,” and is what Messiah’s bride will do in eternity as the wife of the King of heaven and earth (Revelation 5:10).

The physical Jews who rejected Messiah Yahoshua were cut off from Y’isra-el (Romans 11), which is not a land mass, nor is it an earthly country. Y’isra-el is Messiah’s bride.

We are told that once one receives the Holy Spirit, he is a new creature, old things have passed away, behold all things have become new (2 Corinthians 5:17). The circumcision of the heart represents a “new beginning.”

The physical temple in Jerusalem (foreshadow of the bride) housed the Ten Commandments (foreshadow of the Holy Spirit), and the physical Jews were to journey to Jerusalem on the Feast of Tabernacles as one of the three times a year they were required to appear at the temple to present their tithes (agricultural products to sustain the priests—three harvests: barley, wheat, and grapes, and three feasts: Firstfruits, Weeks, and Tabernacles). All three represented Yah’s people assembling in Yah’s house, which is what will happen in eternity.

The Jews were to construct booths (tents) and dwell in those tents for the week of Tabernacles, which is also called the “Feast of Booths,” or “Sukkot.” Ultimately, the real substance of that foreshadow is shown in the one week that mankind is given on this earth. Humans will dwell on this earth in fleshly bodies (tents) for one “week” (remember, one day with Yah is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day–2 Peter 3:8), which means that, from the fall of Adam, there will be 7000 years on this earth before it is destroyed, and a new earth created.

Of course, after that seventh “day,” eternity (new heaven and new earth) is represented by the eighth day of Tabernacles, or the “Day of New Beginnings.” The seventh “day” will be Messiah’s millennial reign, which means that, at the end of six “days,” He will establish His earthly kingdom in Jerusalem.

And that brings us to the six days before that happens. There were 2000 years (2 “days”) from Adam to Abraham and 2000 years (2 “days”) from Abraham to Messiah. Those were the “first days” of the week. Messiah’s earthly ministry ended, and the Holy Spirit was given as the New Covenant, and that occurred around the year 31 AD; and, adding 2000 years to that means we are drawing very near the end of the sixth “day.”

From the giving of the Holy Spirit to the end of the millennial reign are “days” 5, 6, and 7, and they are the “last days” of the week. When scripture references the “last days,” that is what it means.

Now, understanding how the Father’s traditions reveal His prophetic calendar, we know that Messiah’s bride will hear the “come up hither” call ten years prior to the end of that sixth day on the Feast of Trumpets (Revelation 4:1).

So, right now, we are at the very cusp of the start of these events, beginning with the removal of the bride, then the great tribulation, then the millennial reign of Messiah, and then the new heaven and new earth created, signifying the eighth day, or “new beginning,” which is when the bride will be revealed as the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2), and the wedding feast, which is the eternal Sabbath, will begin.

For more information: Circumcision and Spiritual Reproduction

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