When speaking with christians about the actual truths of the Holy Spirit, it is not uncommon for them to become defensive, and to attack the messenger of the Spirit’s truths with accusations of unkindness, or a lack of humility, or even assertions that he is a false teacher, or in a cult. To many christians, being shown that a certain belief they hold is false is just plain “unloving.”

It is also not uncommon for christians to claim that the messenger of truth doesn’t know their beliefs, so he has no right to speak about them. While the premise of the claim is partly true, that alone is a spiritual travesty, really.

There are not varied versions of the Spirit’s truths. His truths are singular. So, if two people who don’t know each other identify as “believers,” then each should already know what the other believes. But, that is usually not the case, as it is reported that there are more than 41,000 different christian denominations in the world who all teach different versions of “truth.”

1 Corinthians 12:13 tells us that all true believers are baptized into one Spirit (they are all given the same Holy Spirit), and that they all drink from that same well of truth. If all true believers drink from that same source, how is it that so many christians have so many different beliefs? It’s because the core of christianity is a counterfeit of the true faith, so, from it, flows many different versions of men’s ideas and machinations about their “truth.”

What is absent from it all is the “one truth” that flows from the Holy Spirit.

In christianity, there are some beliefs that are pretty universal, and are spiritually false, regardless of how they are spun and emotionally peddled. Granted, not ALL christians adhere to ALL of the core tenets. But, most do, and most all embrace at least SOME of the false teachings.

Most believe there is nothing wrong with christ-mass or easter/ishtar. That is false.

Most believe that the weekly Sabbath was either abolished or was changed to SUNday. That is false.

Most believe that the ordained feasts were ended at the cross. That is false.

Most believe that salvation is a decision that man makes. That is false.

Most believe that Messiah’s name is whatever one thinks it is. That is false.

Most believe that spiritual truths are merely “view points.” That is false.

There is simply no way that the things in this list can be proven to be true, according to the Holy Spirit and His scriptures—they are all wholly false. So, is it “unkind” to reveal to christians that those teachings are all false? Is it a “lack of humility” to show someone who clings to a false belief system that it doesn’t lead to where he probably thinks it does?

In the end, where two disagree about spiritual truth, either one side is right and the other is wrong, or they are both wrong. And, platitudes are never evidence of truth, but are usually evidence of not having it.

It is a common mindset among all the different flavors of christianity that everyone’s beliefs are to be respected, and that it’s just fine to believe differently, even though scripture is clear that those who actually have the Holy Spirit are led by Him into ONE truth—HIS truth. Imagine the apostle Paul saying, “Well, we can all believe what we feel is true, and the Almighty will sort it all out in the end.” If that were the case, then what is the purpose of the Holy Spirit?

Yahoshua said the Holy Spirit would lead believers into all truth and tell them of the coming things. How is it that He could lead so many people into so many conflicting truths? He can’t. Where there is variance of belief, He is not in AT LEAST one of the versions.

The Holy Spirit’s truths will always align perfectly with all of scripture (in its original languages and contexts), and with all of the Father’s traditions. Christianity blows off most of the Father’s traditions, so how could the Holy Spirit be a part of that? The quick answer is, “He’s not.”

For more information: Why I Am No Longer a Christian

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