FOR YOU HAVE NEED OF PATIENCE [just as James taught], SO THAT AFTER YOU HAVE DONE THE WILL OF YAH [John 6:40—to believe in Messiah Yahoshua], YOU MAY RECEIVE THE PROMISE. HEBREWS 10:36

Note: in Hebrew, a word that means promise is “omer,” and that ties into this verse, because the counting of the days between the start of the barley harvest and the start of the wheat harvest (seven week period) was called the “counting of the omer,” or the “counting of the promise.” The promise was the covenant.

The counting started at Firstfruits (the first day of the barley harvest), which is right after Passover, and it went to the first day of the wheat harvest, which is the Feast of Weeks, and that is the day that the physical covenant was given (Ten Commandments) and, also, the spiritual covenant was given on that same feast day—the seal of the Holy Spirit being revealed in Acts 2. In Ephesians 1:13, He is called “the Holy Spirit OF PROMISE.”

BUT WE ARE NOT OF THOSE WHO SHRINK BACK TO DESTRUCTION [those who fall away from their belief before receiving the covenant, which is exactly what Messiah Yahoshua stated in Luke 8:13), BUT OF THEM THAT BELIEVE TO THE SAVING OF THE SOUL. HEBREWS 10:39

Here, we see that there is a difference between one believing and one’s soul being saved—belief all the way to the saving of the soul. Once one believes in Messiah Yahoshua, and confesses Him before men (usually at some risk, either of ridicule and rejection by others, or worse), then, in the Father’s timing, the Holy Spirit will be given, which is salvation.

The patience spoken of here refers to the time between a person’s initial belief (repentance from unbelief, which is the sin that condemns), and when he is ultimately confirmed by the Holy Spirit to be a child of Yah.

Notice the vast difference in this true path to salvation, and the counterfeit of it that is taught by most of christianity—that man is “saved” at the moment he declares his belief, or makes a decision. Christianity’s salvation is wholly of man, but man does not have that power or authority.

The true path to the bride’s salvation is what the way of the tabernacle shows—the progression from the outer courtyard with the brazen altar (Passover) and the laver (Red Sea), to the Holy Place (the bread of the presence, symbolizing the manna; the altar of incense, symbolizing the pillar of cloud; and the menorah, symbolizing the pillar of fire); to the Holy of Holies (Ark of the Covenant, which housed the physical covenant), representing receiving the spiritual covenant, who is the Holy Spirit–the PROMISE.

Man repents of his unbelief in the outer courtyard, but is brought into the literal presence of the Holy Spirit, receiving spiritual life and the Covenant, by the Father. Man has no entrance into the Holy Place or the Holy of Holies apart from the will of the Father, through the redemption price paid by the Great High Priest, His Son.

Man’s part in the path to salvation occurs in the outer courtyard. Yah’s part is given in the Holy Place (leading and guiding by the Holy Spirit), and the Holy of Holies (receiving the covenant), and that completed path is what actually justifies the believer by the will of the Father, and in His time.

The period between what man does in the outer courtyard, and what Yah does after that, is the time man’s belief is tested, and for which we are taught to endure–or have patience, “for they that wait upon Yah shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31).

For more information: Between Belief and Salvation

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