In Numbers 9, we read that Yah ordained a second Passover to be observed one month later by those who, for whatever reason, were not prepared to observe the Passover at its normal time. Why did He do that, and why only the Passover, and not the other feasts?

Passover is called “the preparation” for the Feast of Unleavened Bread because it represents what is necessary to be able to be made righteous (unleavened). So, Passover is tied directly to the bride’s salvation, for without the Passover, there is no redemption—there is no imputed righteousness.

Identifying with the Passover sacrifice is the first step to receiving salvation, for it was the Passover by which the Israelites were first led out of Egypt (a picture of the bride being led out of the world), through the Red Sea (baptismal cleansing), and then to the mountain, where they received the covenant (a picture of the bride receiving the seal of the Holy Spirit).

So, in Numbers 9, we see that those who were not prepared for the Passover (the redemption of the bride) were given a second opportunity to observe it, and that is a foreshadow of the friends of the bride—those who were not prepared (made righteous by the Holy Spirit) to be gathered to the Bridegroom at the fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets.

Those people will be given the opportunity to be saved after the bride has been taken, but it will be much more difficult for them physically.

There are three spiritual harvests—barley, wheat, and grapes, and each of those harvests represents different groups of people who will be at the wedding feast (eternity in heaven). The bride is the barley, which is harvested by winnowing (throwing into the air to separate the grain from the chaff, or flesh), but the friends of the bride are the wheat, and wheat must first be cut open to be able to separate the grain from the chaff by winnowing.

In ancient times, wheat was put through a “tribulum,” which contained pieces of metal and stone that would slice the chaff to get to the grain inside, and then it was winnowed (thrown into the air). The tribulation saints (wheat) will go through a tribulum, which is why we see the friends of the bride, who are the tribulation saints, being beheaded before being caught up (raptured) into heaven (Revelation 6:9-10, Revelation 20:4).

As for the grape harvest, only the firstfruits of the grape harvest will be saved; the rest of the grapes will be crushed, and the resulting wine will be their blood poured out onto the ground around Jerusalem to consecrate the land for the building of Messiah’s millennial temple. The firstfruits of the grape harvest are the sheep who will be separated from the goats, and planted into Messiah’s earthly kingdom to live with Him here for 1000 years.

How many christians will realize, after the bride has been taken, that they are not the bride, and will choose, then, to embrace the true Gospel of Messiah Yahoshua, believe in Him, and endure to the end to be saved, which will mean remaining true to their belief in Him to the point of being killed for their belief? That is what will be necessary for the tribulation saints to be saved.

But, it is still a second opportunity that will be given to them by the Father, and that is the spiritual real substance of the second Passover of Numbers 9.

For more information: Will There Be a Pre-Tribulation Rapture?

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