If one believes that being born again is a decision that man makes, like the unscriptural choice to “accept Christ into your heart,” then that also explains why it is common for some christians to believe that one’s salvation can be lost because of sins of the flesh. If salvation is a decision of man, then it is finite in its power, and fleshly in its inception. It is the unrighteous one thinking he has the power to choose to be righteous. What foolishness!

Moreover, John 1:12-13 clearly shows christianity’s notion of man being born again by his own decision to be wholly false: “But as many as received Him [the Holy Spirit], to them He gave the privilege to become children of Yah—those who believe in His name, who were born, not of blood, NOR OF THE WILL OF THE FLESH, NOR OF THE WILL OF MAN, but of Yah.”

Christianity’s false construct of salvation is that man chooses to be saved, and that choice obligates the Almighty to place His Holy Spirit within him, thus saving him. Not only does scripture wholly refute such error, it actually demonstrates the sheer hubris of man, who arrogantly thinks the Most High God is obligated to do anything because of a decision that something He created makes—let alone adopting him into His own family because of man’s choice.

It is this spiritual ignorance that pervades christianity, deceiving people into thinking that decisions, made by unrighteous, unworthy mortals, caused the Almighty to bow to their will, granting them eternal life because of some temporal, carnal, declaration.

That is also why this particular debate has raged for centuries—because, in christianity, typically neither side of this debate actually knows and understands what it means to be “born again.”

For more information: Once Saved Always Saved?

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