Most christians have no idea that the invention of their religion, which occurred AFTER all the New Testament writers had died, and wasn’t codified until the fourth century by a sun-worshiping emperor, was accomplished by stripping the true faith of its foundations and replacing them with paganism and humanism.

Now, after so many centuries have passed with the false narrative being so firmly entrenched in the minds and hearts of multitudes of christians, when someone shares the actual truths of the Holy Spirit regarding the Father’s traditions (which christianity rejected and even outlawed at the time it was codified), those christians will often conflate the Father’s traditions with the law of Moses.

They simply cannot understand that the law dictated HOW those things were to be observed, the law did not create the Father’s traditions, just as the law dictated many aspects of life, like eating, drinking, clothing, and sex, but the law didn’t create those things. Just like those things, the Father’s traditions exist separately and apart from the law, which is exactly what the scriptures show throughout. It is spiritual ignorance that most often blinds christians from being able to see the actual truths of the matter.

I recently had a dialog with a christian friend with whom I have shared these truths in the past, but once we started discussing the Father’s traditions again (Sabbaths, wedding traditions, temple ordinances and practices), he immediately went right back to his christian “safe space,” and began conflating the law and the Sabbaths.

After I showed him conclusively that the apostle Paul, who taught repeatedly that Messiah’s bride is not under the law of Moses, but who taught the Father’s traditions to the Gentile converts and observed the Sabbaths himself, my friend’s ultimate response was something along the lines of “well, those are just traditions—they aren’t required for salvation” (which is true because the Father’s traditions are only given to those who ARE saved).

So, I wrote back to him to try, once again, to get him to see how spiritually flawed his understanding is, because it is IMPOSSIBLE to separate the Father’s traditions from the true faith (which is why christianity is a counterfeit of the faith).

Here is that letter:

Hey friend,

I’ve been ruminating a bit on your last statement, and from where I have come in my journey. I do understand why you would think the way you do about the Father’s traditions, not knowing or understanding them at all, and christianity being built upon the rejection of those foundations, you think of them as optional, inconsequential, irrelevant, and even contrary to your belief system.

Imagine there is a kid in your neighborhood, and he wants to be legally adopted into your family. As you are considering such an adoption, you want the kid to become familiar with your family.

What is it that normally sets one family apart from other families? What makes the members of one household see their family as distinct from all other families? It is your family traditions—those things that your family draws closely together in, and which are the way each of the members of your family identifies with your family.

If you didn’t have your family’s traditions, then you wouldn’t identify your family as being separate and distinct from any other family.

Now, imagine that kid who wants to be adopted into your family willfully rejecting your family’s traditions, and claiming they are not important at all—but he makes it clear that what is important to him are the traditions he learned from a different family. The kid tells you that, while he wants to be a part of your family, he doesn’t want to recognize anything about your family as being a part of who he is. He wants to continue identifying with a different family.

Now, imagine that kid telling everyone, “I know that I know that I know that I have been adopted” into your family, but there has never been any legal process by which he has been declared a member of your household. He just decided to declare himself a legal member of your household. And then, add to that the fact that he wants nothing to do with any of your family’s traditions—those things that identify the members of your family as being a part of your family.

In this example, YOU are spiritually that kid, as is everyone else who chooses to identify with the false teachings of christianity rather than the Father’s traditions, for in the traditions, we can see a vivid picture of Messiah’s bride receiving the covenant, and the path she must take for it to be given to her at her adoption (it is shown in the Passover journey from Egypt to the mountain, and in the way of the tabernacle from the Outer Courtyard to the Holy of Holies—which is a mirror of the original Passover journey).

We also see in the Father’s traditions the things that are to come, as the Father’s traditions are where the prophetic calendar is revealed. That’s why Paul said that the Sabbaths are a shadow of things that ARE TO COME (Colossians 2:17). Four of the Father’s annual Sabbaths (feasts) have been fulfilled, but there are seven. What’s the next one on the calendar to be fulfilled? How will it be fulfilled?

That is why the apostle Paul was careful to tell the Gentile converts to keep the traditions (Greek: paradosis = Jewish traditions) he had taught them (1 Cor. 11:2, 2 Thess. 2:15). To “keep” means to hold onto, to guard, or to watch over. We “keep” spiritual truths (instructions) by making them a part of who we are. We hold onto the Father’s traditions as a means of family identification.

The traditions also help in understanding exactly HOW those who are adopted by the Father are indeed the true Jews (Romans 2:29, Galatians 3:28-29) that make up true Y’isra-el (Romans 11). The traditions of christianity identify one with Babylon; Messiah’s bride is Y’isra-el.

One cannot belong to both Y’isra-el AND Babylon. Again, Paul explains in Romans 11 how those who are given the covenant are grafted into Y’isra-el, and when a branch is grafted onto a tree, it becomes a part of that tree. The tree is Y’isra-el—the cultivated olive tree (olives produce oil—a symbol of the Holy Spirit).

Like you, I didn’t understand any of this until I actually learned the traditions. Once I did that, I gained an immense new understanding of the scriptures (by the illumination of the Holy Spirit). That’s why you often claim that I misinterpret the scriptures—it’s because you don’t know the traditions, but they are the perspective around which ALL of the scriptures were written.

It’s like claiming to understand quantum physics without ever learning addition and subtraction. And, until you correctly learn addition and subtraction, you’ll never grasp why your understanding of advanced mathematics is completely false. It’s like thinking one understands the history of the United States through learning Critical Race Theory—that foundation is completely flawed.

Ponder what I’m sharing with you. Messiah’s bride will be taken to the wedding chamber very soon (yeah, the wedding traditions also belong to the Father, and the bride will be taken to the wedding chamber on the Feast of Trumpets—the wedding traditions have been followed, and will be followed all the way to the new heaven and earth when the bride is revealed at the wedding feast—Rev. 21:2).

Those who have not been given the covenant (ketubah) will not be taken. It will signify the end of the barley harvest (“counting of the omer”), and then the wheat harvest will begin immediately. Oh yeah, the three annual harvests (barley, wheat, and grapes) are tied to specific annual Sabbaths, which makes them all part of the Father’s traditions.

You’re free to reject the truths of the Holy Spirit I am sharing with you, but doing so will keep your eternity in peril.

For more information: What Are the Old and New Covenants?

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