The Ten Commandments represent the giving of the physical covenant (“ketubah,” or covenant of marriage) to Y’isra-el. They explain how Yah desires His children to live in relationship with Him and with others. Those who were given the physical covenant were under the physical law (Law of Moses).

Paul is clear that those who have the Holy Spirit are not under the law, and that, for them, all things are lawful to them (Galatians 5:18, 1 Corinthians 6:12).

So, if those who have the Holy Spirit are not under the law, and the Ten Commandments were the covenant given to those who were under the law, then are believers under the Ten Commandments?

The Ten Commandments are the physical covenant, and that covenant was given seven Sabbaths and one day from the Feast of Firstfruits (Firstfruits is the first day of the week following the weekly Sabbath after Passover). That is what the Feast of Weeks commemorated—the giving of the covenant at Mt. Sinai.

Messiah Yahoshua was crucified on Passover, and He rose again on Firstfruits. 49 days later, on the Feast of Weeks, the spiritual covenant was poured out, and made available to all mankind (not just the Jews, who were a physical foreshadow of the bride). The seal of the Holy Spirit is the spiritual covenant which was foreshadowed by the physical covenant—and those tablets were actually written by Him.

Whenever there is a physical foreshadow that is later revealed as its spiritual real substance, it is the spiritual that is the true meaning. The physical just presents a picture, or shadow, of the spiritual real substance.

So, the answer is “No,” the bride is not UNDER the Ten Commandments (written physical law), for the fulfillment of the physical covenant dwells WITHIN them as the spiritual covenant.

He is the Holy Spirit. And, while the physical law governed the physical man (the flesh), the Holy Spirit governs the spiritual man—and, when the spiritual man yields his flesh to the Holy Spirit’s governance, he will govern his own flesh (physical man), for as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.

So, while there is nothing in the Ten Commandments that will either save people, or send them to hell, they still represent how Yah desires His children to live in relationship with Him (in spirit) and with others (in truth). Worshiping, which is the practical living of those who possess the covenant, must be in spirit (first four commandments) and in truth (last six commandments).

And, those who have believed in Messiah Yahoshua and confessed Him before others are to await the giving of the covenant, just as the “counting of the omer” was the 49 days between Firstfruits and Weeks (the start of the barley harvest and start of the wheat harvest—the resurrection and the giving of the Holy Spirit’s seal)—both the physical and the spiritual covenants were given according to the same timeline of the traditions.

The “counting of the omer” represents the same period in the life of the believer, and is the patience James speaks of, as well as the endurance taught in Hebrews 10:36-39. Those who do receive the covenant are told directly and personally by the Holy Spirit that they are children of Yah (Romans 8:16, 1 Corinthians 1:6-8). And, He does so exactly as Peter declared in Acts 2:17.

For more information: What Are the Old and New Covenants?

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