There is a common tendency among christians to see a word, or a phrase, or a verse in scripture, and without even bothering to learn the context in which it is given, or what the words in the original languages may have meant, to use those things apart from their contexts to support false teachings that are contrary to what the scriptures actually teach.
Take the fact that we’re told Messiah Yahoshua sometimes spoke to groups of Jews in “their synagogues” (as opposed to His Father’s temple), and taught them about the scriptures, since “their synagogues,” which came from the traditions of men, were where the Jews often gathered.
And as we’re told in one account in Luke 4, that ON A SABBATH (not SUNday) in Nazareth, He read a passage from Isaiah that prophesied of Him, and told the Jews there that HE was the subject of that prophecy, which greatly angered the Jews in “their synagogue,” to the point that they drove Him out of the city.
I saw a christian recently lift a phrase from that passage, suggesting it had something to do with “going to church” each week, which is not the meaning of the passage’s context at all.
When the passage was explained to him, he blindly said that he disagreed, and kept his heart and mind closed to the Spirit’s truth, even suggesting that he was the one who had the truth (because he has an English translation of scripture), and that I needed to get saved (even though the Holy Spirit has already TOLD me directly and personally that I am a child of Yah). It’s common carnal blindness.
Similarly, many commonly take the passage in John 10 that recounts Messiah standing outside the temple on the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah), as suggesting that He celebrated Hanukkah (which is not one of His Father’s feasts). They ignore the fact that we’re told He stood outside on Solomon’s Porch (He did not go into the temple), and also what He actually did there.
He went there to rebuke the Jewish leaders, which, again, just enraged them to the point of wanting to kill Him. When the entire context is known, there is no way to imagine that He was there to celebrate Hanukkah, which is a counterfeit feast, just like the christ-mass is. But, being lifted out of its context, many falsely teach something that is contrary to what we’re actually told in scripture.
So it is with that same blindness that christians see the words “first day of the week” in two passages of scripture, lift them out of their contexts, and ignorantly state that the New Testament believers had “church” on Sundays. Such a teaching is blatantly false. Neither of those passages that mention the “first day of the week,” in regard to believers doing something, has anything to do with the weekly assembling of the ekklesia.
The New Testament believers did not go to “church,” and neither did they attend synagogues. The apostles and their followers did sometimes go to synagogues to preach the Gospel of Yahoshua to the lost physical Jews there. But, when they met with one another as the ekklesia, it was generally in their homes, and it was on the Sabbath.
The sad tendency among christians is to lift things out of the scriptures blindly, and then state that the scriptures teach things that are blatant falsehoods. If what you contend about a word, a phrase, or a verse does not comport with the entire context of the passage, and with the entirety of scripture, then you are using it falsely, and teaching error. That is largely how christianity, the counterfeit of the true faith, has flourished—scriptural laziness.
For more information: Was the KJV Inspired by the Holy Spirit?